A dropbox will be set up outside the courthouse for payment of taxes. Please place payment in an envelope and drop it in the box. Payments can also be made online; however, delinquent property can NOT be paid online.
Saluda County Court House, Suite 5
100 East Church Street
Saluda, South Carolina 29138
Phone No: 864-445-4500 ext. 2211
Fax No: 864-445-2532
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday
Tiffany Shaw
Phone Extension: 2252
Treasurer Assistant
Pamela Hill
Phone Extension: 2210
Treasurer Clerk
Kristin Rodgers
Phone Extension: 2211
About the Treasurer
As an elected official the Treasurer is responsible for mailing tax notices, collecting all revenues for the County, its entities and the municipalities within the boundaries of Saluda County. This includes current and delinquent real estate taxes, personal taxes, motor vehicle taxes and other revenues for County Departments, including a waste disposal fee, and renewal license fees on motor vehicles for the state of South Carolina. Detailed records are kept, maintained, and balanced, for these revenues and disbursed to County Government and its entities, the County School District, Municipalities and special projects according to levy, local ordinances and SC laws. Any revenues not needed for immediate disbursement, are invested to yield the highest interest possible. The Treasurer’s Office also generates refund checks to tax payers for various reasons that are determined by the Assessor or Auditor, provides tax information to the public and legal professionals, provides County Officials and Independent Auditors for the Entities and Municipalities with the monetary figures required to carry out their duties, and submits reports to the various State Offices. It is essential to be involved with the latest legislative issues and attend workshops and seminars pertinent to the laws and issues pertaining to the Treasurer’s Office. The best interest of the Saluda County Citizens must be kept in mind at all times.